Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Amazing Race: Part 2- Zion National Park- Mar 12, 2012

 So Zion National Park was our first destination after Kim and I reunited in Vegas.  And it turned out to be one of my favorites of all the amazing parks we visited.  It started out rainy/snowy our first night, but we persevered and hiked ~2.2 miles the first night and slept in the cold, wet drip of our tent...but it was beautiful and sunny the rest of our time.  On Day 2, we hiked the lower, middle, and upper Emerald Pools before heading up the treacherous, still snow-covered trail up to Angel's Landing totalling 12 miles hiking for the day.  Still want to hike the Narrows and Subway next time I go.  Dry season it will have to be.

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